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The 3 Phases of the Department of State's Reopening

By Brittany Dismuke, on June 12, 2020

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the US in March of 2020, the Department of State has halted almost all passport processing services. This week the Department of State announced that they will begin reopening through phases, with the first phase beginning June 11, 2020. So, what are the three phases?


  • Some employees will return to the agencies and center. 
  • Processing of already received applications on a first-in, first-out basis. 
  • Services are by appointment and for life or death emergencies only. 
  • Face coverings must be worn by customers and staff, and social distancing must be used in common areas. 
  • Recommended that new or renewal applications do not submit during this phase, as delays will continue. 

Agencies opened during Phase 1: Arkansas, Buffalo, Chicago, Colorado, Connecticut, Detroit, National Processing Center, New Orleans, New York, and Philadelphia.  


  • Most employees will return to the agencies and centers. 
  • Continued processing of already received applications on first in, first out basis. 
  • Services proceed by appointment and for life or death emergencies only, but more appointments will be available. 
  • Face coverings still must be worn, and social distancing practiced in common areas by staff and customers. 
  • Recommended that new or renewal applications do not submit during this phase, as delays will continue. 


  • All employees return to work. 
  • Normal and expedited processing resumes on a first in, first out basis.
  • Additional appointments available for life or death emergencies.
  • Continued use of face coverings and social distancing by staff and customers. 

There has been no information available at this time on how long each phase will last. It would be unlikely that they would change phases without at least a week between each phase. 

For more information regarding the Department of State and their reopening, please visit their website

Brittany Dismuke

About the Author

Brittany is a Passport and Visa Specialist at APVI. 


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